Day of the Programmer

Khmelnytskyi IT Cluster joined the celebration of the Day of the Programmer at the Faculty of Information Technology of Khmelnytsky National University.

The leaders of GMHoost and Global Partnet Soft Andriy Harmatyuk and Viktor Tershivskyi shared with the students their experience of studying and becoming specialists, and later – the leaders of their own IT companies. They talked about their activities, congratulated the youth on the holiday.

Also from the marketer of the Avivi company students learned about the areas of work of the IT company, received information about the possibility of internships and employment in a friendly team of the company.

And there were gifts of course. On the occasion of the holiday, a quiz on knowledge of interesting facts in the field of information technology was held among boys and girls. The most active received a wonderful merch and gifts from Stfalcon, Avivi, GMhost and GlobalPartner Soft.

Once again, congratulations to IT students on their professional holiday and we wish you an interesting and successful study!